Detecting Traffic Sources with excessive amounts of old Devices
For profitable campaigns marketers are expecting the right mix of device distribution. High amounts of old devices (older than 2 years) leads to unprofitable campaigns and is if excessive a strong indicator for Fraud. Outdated Emulators / Bots results in high amounts of old devices. The Filter only flags in case the configured threshold has been exceeded.
Configuration Options:
>Integration>Filters>Advanced Mode (on)
Lookback Interval: Looks at the last x hours to evaluate the percentage of old devices. (e.g. 6 hours / 12 hours etc.) The longer the interval the more accurate results will be but the filter will respond slower in to traffic changes.
Threshold: Defines the percentages of old devices allowed before conversions will be flagged.
Rules: Defines the rules what is considered an old devices. As a default we configure devices / OS that are older than 2 years. For more details on devices you can see for more information below.
Click here for a prewritten Email answer.
Example of OS Distributions:
iOS Distribution:
Android Distribution: